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Medical Instruments, Tools & Supplies in Etoloakarnania in Greece.
Our highly experienced and committed team focus all their energy to deliver what our customers demand at very competitive prices, ensuring your business success.

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DESCRIPTION: Kastelani is a combined preparation with the properties of an antiseptic with an antifungal effect. PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION: Kastelani substances have a wide spectrum of antiseptic and antifungal effects in case of damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the patient by infectious and fungal diseases. FORM OF RELEASE: Kastelani is available as a solution for external use by the patient. The composition of Kastelani includes: phenol, resorcinol, boric acid basic fuchsin. INDICATIONS OF USE: According to the instructions to Kastelani, it is used to treat and prevent skin diseases and their damage. For example, Kastelani's testimony tells us that the reagent is justified in case of abrasions, fungus, ulcers, cracks, surface wounds, pyoderma, erosion in the patient. HOW TO USE: According to the instructions to Kastelani, it must be applied externally. The solution is applied to the affected skin with a cotton swab or a stick 2 to 4 times a day. After drying Kastelani on the skin, you can apply additional medicines in the form of ointments or pastes. SIDE EFFECTS: According to reviews on Kastelani, the reagent can cause various allergic reactions, dermatitis, burning sensation and pain, visual impairment, and also addictive effect, as a result of which Kastelani ceases to have a therapeutic effect on the affected skin. Also, the use of Kastelani is not recommended for a large area of the skin, since it is possible to overdose with phenol, which has the property of actively evaporating from the surface of the skin after application, easily penetrates the blood and can cause dizziness, weakness, breathing disorder, sudden changes in blood pressure. CONTRAINDICATIONS: The use of Kastelani is not possible in cases of hypersensitivity to Kastelani components, detection of a tendency in the patient for increased skin sensitivity, allergic reaction to the drug, chronic dermatoses. LIMITATIONS: Kastelani's instructions prohibit the use of the reagent for pregnant and lactating women. Also, you should be careful when applying Kastelani on the mucous membranes, as it is possible to get chemical burns and irritation. It is also not recommended to assign Kastelani to patients under the age of 12 years. When applying Kastelani simultaneously with other drugs for external use, compounds with unpredictable skin effect can form. KASTELANI REAGENT

Monocyto-ID Listeria Scan

Standard method for biochemical detection and identification of Listeria monocytogenes Description Listeriosis is a serious infection, classified as a zoonosis, which results from the ingestion of food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. It leads to a severe clinical picture in infants, immunocompromised individuals and poses significant risks to foetuses, while pregnant women usually have mild symptoms. Contents FX100025 - 25 vials R FX100100 - 100 vials R Note: All kit components are stable until the expiration date on the label. Protect them from light and contamination during use. Do not use the reagents after the expiration date. Store reagents at 2-8°C. Shelf life: 12 months from date of production Storage and stability: 2-8°C Samples Food, milk, dairy products, fish Note: for sample preparation, please contact the scientific support department of MenidiMedica Biotech Procedure - Incubation of the sample in suitable nutrient medium (e.g. Ottaviani Agosti Agar Base) for 24 hours at 37⁰C in an incubator - Place a vial - found on the package - with the Listeria monocytogenes biochemical detection and identification reagent in the incubator at the same time as the incubation described in step a is performed. - Remove the medium and the vial from the incubator. - Open the vial and add one drop or 50 ul of deionised water to the vial - Collect a formed colony from the nutrient medium with a swab and dip it into the vial, shaking gently until the contents of the swab are dissolved in the vial. - Incubate the vial in the incubator at 37⁰C for 6 hours - Remove the vial from the incubator and check the colour that has appeared Interpretation Green: positive sample for Listeria monocytogenes Sensitivity: 100% for Listeria monocytogenes Specificity: 100% for Listeria monocytogenes A comparison study with other methods was performed on a total number of samples n=500. Monocyto-ID Listeria Scan PDF ENG

KaryoPrep Fixative

KaryoPrep Fixative is the protective alcoholic solution designed to protect cells from air contact during the drying phase of the slides prepared with MenidiMedica cytology processors, or with the manual method. Compatible with the reagents of other liquid based cytology technology methods, it can be implemented, as a universal fixative, into the sample processing of competition. It is supplied in various volumes in HDPE plastic material. The HDPE material, certified by the provider, is free of BPA, phthalates and latex and does not contain or contains less than the 0.1% of substances that can be defined as ''high concern'', identified as SVHC and listed in the candidates list in the XIV REACH annex. LBC LEAFLET

KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation

KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation is the fixative liquid specially dedicated to the preservation of cytological samples. It is designed, developed and produced by MenidiMedica Greece and it can be used with all kinds of biological samples. KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation is designed for use with the manual method introduced by MenidiMedica or with MenidiMedica LBC system or other commercial processors. It serves as a transport, preservative, and antibacterial medium for the processed biological samples, including certain tests for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and other sexually transmitted infections. It has no haemolytic activity in order to ensure conservation of red blood cells, eventually present in urinary samples, to make them visible and diagnosable by the pathologist during the specimen analysis. In case the user wishes elimination of mucus or red blood cells (absence of artifacts), KaryoPrep RBC Lytic Reagent must be applied to the KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation. KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation is a saline solution based on ethanol, which ensures the perfect cytological material fixation and a safe operator's handling at the same time. It guarantees the morphological preservation of cytological samples for at least 5 years at room temperature. The genetic material of the collected samples is stored and available for molecular biology in-depth analysis, up until 5 years after collection. For optimal samples fixation, it is recommended to use unexpired vials of KaryoPrep Solution for Fixation. The vials are ready-to-use and are stable for 60 months at room temperature. Karyoprep Solution for fixation is supplied in different packaging, ranging from 10 mL. prefilled collection vials, to 1 or 5 Lt. - bottles approved for air transport. The vials are made of a special transparent plastic material, characterized by peculiar optical transmittance technical specifications, allowing them to be used with the MenidiMedica LBC fitting system and with various other platform systems. The 1 Lt - formats are supplied in HDPE plastic material bottles. HDPE material, certified by the provider, is free of BPA, phthalates and latex and does not contain or contains less than the 0.1|% of substances that can be defined as ''high concern'', identified as SVHC and listed in the candidates list in the XIV REACH annex. The 5 Lt - formats are provided in stackable plastic tanks, UN/ADR approved for land, air and sea transport of dangerous liquid products, according to UN Legislation. LBC LEAFLET

Histanol 100

Rehydrating/dehydrating agent of tissue and cytological samples Introduction Histology, cytology, and related scientific fields focus on examining the microscopic structure of tissues and cells. Achieving clear visualization of tissue and cellular structures requires precise sample processing. The histological sample processing involves several key steps, with three involving dehydration and subsequent rehydration. The initial step involves preparing the samples for infiltration, embedding them in paraffin, and then cutting the paraffin blocks into thin slices. In the second step, the samples are prepared for staining, and the final step involves mounting the samples on glass slides. Since most embedding media, like commonly used paraffin, do not readily penetrate samples containing water, it is essential to perform dehydration first to facilitate the infiltration process. Once the samples are embedded in paraffin, cut into thin slices, and mounted on glass slides, they maintain their integrity for a specific period. However, before staining, it is necessary to remove the paraffin and rehydrate the sections. Only then can histological dyes be applied for staining. A similar procedure is followed for cytological samples, with dehydrating agents, primarily consisting of alcohols. One widely used dehydrating agent is denatured ethanol, which serves as the primary component in MenidiMedica Biotech Histanol. Histanol is a transparent, colorless, and flammable liquid known for its rapid action and high efficiency. Product description Other slides and reagents that may be used in staining: - Fixatives such as MenidiMedica Biotech neutral buffered formaldehyde solutions (Formaldehyde NB 10%) - Dehydrating/rehydrating agent, such as MenidiMedica Biotech alcohol solutions - Clearing agents, such as xylene or a substitute agent on the aliphatic hydrocarbons basis - Infiltration and fitting agent, such as granulated paraffin - High-quality glass slides for use in histopathology and cytology - Differentiation agent, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Acid alcohol - Bluing agents, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Scott's solution or Bluing reagent - Covering agents for microscopic sections and mounting cover glass, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Eukitt - Cover glass, dimensions range from 18x18mm to 24x60mm - Reagent for nuclear staining, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Hematoxylin Harris - Counterstaining reagents, such as MenidiMedica Biotech eosin solutions Preparing histological sections for staining - Fix the tissue sample tightly (10% NB Formaldehyde), rinse with water and dehydrate through series of ascending alcohol solutions (Histanol 100). - Clear the sample with intermedium; in xylene or in a xylene substitute. - Infiltrate and fit the sample in paraffin - Cut the paraffin block to 4-6 µm slices and place them on a glass slide Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining procedure, progressive - Deparaffinize the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute - 3 exchanges, 2 min each - Rehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 2 exchanges, 5 and 3 min - Rehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 min - Rehydrate in distilled water - 2 min - Stain using Hematoxylin Harris - 3-5 minutes Note: In the case of subsidence in the solution or a formation of metallic glow on the surface, reagent should be filtrated before use. - Immerse the section in distilled or demineralized water until dye is no longer being released from the section - Make nuclei turn blue using Scott's solution or Bluing reagent - 1 min Note: Finish the process of bluing after the nuclei turn blue If no Scott's solution or Bluing reagent is available, rinse the sections under tap water for 3-5 minutes. - Stain with one of eosin contrast solutions until the section is optimally stained - 15 seconds - 2 minutes Note: Staining the sections in eosin alcoholic solutions causes intensive eosinophil color to show much faster (in under 15 seconds' time). Recommended exposure time for eosin aqueous solutions is 90 seconds to 2 minutes - Rinse under tap water - 2 min - Dehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Dehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 3 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Clear the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute Immediately after clearing apply an appropriate mount medium for covering/mounting on the section. If xylene was used, use one of mounting xylene-based media. If xylene substitute was used, use the appropriate covering agent for this case. Cover the section with a cover glass. Result Nucleus - dark blue Cytoplasm, collagen, elastin, erythrocytes - various shades of pink (when staining with Eosin Contrast the shade is red-pink) Note Time periods of staining processes are not entirely standardized and they approximately correspond to clinical and laboratory practical experience. Intensity of staining depends on the period of immersion in the dye. Real staining protocol depends on personal requests and priorities. Preparing the sample and diagnostics Use only appropriate instruments for collecting and preparing the samples. Process the samples with modern technology and mark them clearly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for handling. In order to avoid mistakes, the staining procedure and diagnostics should only be conducted by authorized and qualified personnel. Use only microscope according to standards of the medical diagnostic laboratory. Safety at work and environmental protection Handle the product in accordance with safety at work and environmental protection guidelines. Used solutions and out of date solutions should be disposed of as special waste in accordance with national guidelines. Chemicals used in this procedure could pose danger to human health. Tested tissue specimens are potentially infectious. Necessary safety measures for protecting human health should be taken in accordance with good laboratory practice. Act in accordance with signs and warnings notices printed on the product's label, as well as in MenidiMedica Biotech material safety data sheet. Storing, stability and expiry date Keep Histanol in a tightly closed original package at temperature between +15°C and +25°C. Keep in dry places, do not freeze and avoid exposing to direct sunlight. Date of manufacture and expiry date are Histanol 100 IFU ENG PDFprinted on the product's label.

Hematoxylin Harris

Reagent for strong, regressive staining in histopathology Introduction MenidiMedica Biotech Hematoxylin Harris is a widely recognized hematoxylin formulation employed in histopathology to achieve highly precise nuclear cell staining. In routine histology staining, such as hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining, Hematoxylin according to Harris is utilized using a regressive method. Hematoxylin is derived from logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum L.). It undergoes oxidation to become hematein, which then forms bonds with metal ions known as mordants. Hematein undergoes this transformation to develop into an indelible nuclear color. Subsequently, the positively charged hematein-mordant complex attaches to the negatively charged phosphate ions present in the DNA's nucleus, resulting in the characteristic blue coloration. The original Hematoxylin according to Harris formula utilizes mercury oxide for oxidation. However, MenidiMedica Biotech version of Hematoxylin according to Harris does not contain mercury oxide due to its toxicity concerns. Instead, it employs environmentally friendly sodium iodate for this purpose. Hematoxylin Harris excels in staining the nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, and nucleolus with exceptional precision. Product description Reagent for regressive nuclear staining in histopathology. Contains optimally oxidized hematoxylin with sodium iodate, aluminum ions and antioxidants. Other slides and reagents that may be used in staining: - Fixatives such as MenidiMedica Biotech neutral buffered formaldehyde solutions (Formaldehyde NB 10%) - Dehydrating/rehydrating agent, such as MenidiMedica Biotech alcohol solutions - Clearing agents, such as xylene or a substitute agent on the aliphatic hydrocarbons basis - Infiltration and fitting agent, such as granulated paraffin - High-quality glass slides for use in histopathology and cytology -Differentiation agent, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Acid alcohol - Bluing agents, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Scott's solution or Bluing reagent - Covering agents for microscopic sections and mounting cover glass, such as MenidiMedica Biotech Eukitt - Cover glass, dimensions range from 18x18mm to 24x60mm - Counterstaining reagents, such as MenidiMedica Biotech eosin solutions Preparing histological sections for staining - Fix the tissue sample tightly (10% NB Formaldehyde), rinse with water and dehydrate through series of ascending alcohol solutions (Histanol 100). - Clear the sample with intermedium; in xylene or in a xylene substitute. - Infiltrate and fit the sample in paraffin - Cut the paraffin block to 4-6 µm slices and place them on a glass slide Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining procedure, progressive - Deparaffinize the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute - 3 exchanges, 2 min each - Rehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 2 exchanges, 5 and 3 min - Rehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 min - Rehydrate in distilled water - 2 min - Stain using Hematoxylin Harris - 3-5 minutes Note: In the case of subsidence in the solution or a formation of metallic glow on the surface, reagent should be filtrated before use. - Immerse the section in distilled or demineralized water until dye is no longer being released from the section - Make nuclei turn blue using Scott's solution or Bluing reagent - 1 min Note: Finish the process of bluing after the nuclei turn blue If no Scott's solution or Bluing reagent is available, rinse the sections under tap water for 3-5 minutes. - Stain with one of eosin contrast solutions until the section is optimally stained: 15 seconds - 2 minutes Note: Staining the sections in eosin alcoholic solutions causes intensive eosinophil color to show much faster (in under 15 seconds' time). Recommended exposure time for eosin aqueous solutions is 90 seconds to 2 minutes. - Rinse under tap water - 2 min - Dehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Dehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 3 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Clear the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute Immediately after clearing apply an appropriate mount medium for covering/mounting on the section. If xylene was used, use one of mounting xylenebased media. If xylene substitute was used, use the appropriate covering agent for this case. Cover the section with a cover glass. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining procedure, regressive - Deparaffinize the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute - 3 exchanges, 2 min each - Rehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 2 exchanges, 5 and 3 min - Rehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 min - Rehydrate in distilled water - 2 min - Stain using Hematoxylin Harris - 4-8 minutes Note: In the case of subsidence in the solution or a formation of metallic glow on the surface, reagent should be filtrated before use. - Immerse the section in distilled water until dye is no longer being released from the section - Differentiate using Acid alcohol - 3-10 dips Note: This step removes excessive hematoxylin from the nucleus and cytoplasm. Discoloration of the nuclei can occur if the section is treated with the differentiation agent for too long. - Rinse in distilled water - Make nuclei turn blue using Scott's solution or Bluing reagent - 1 min Note: Finish the process of bluing after the nuclei turn blue If no Scott's solution or Bluing reagent is available, rinse the sections under tap water for 3-5 minutes. - Immerse the sections in distilled/demineralized water. - If alcoholic eosin solution is used, immerse the sections in 95% alcohol. Skip this step if aqueous eosin solution is used. - Stain with one of eosin contrast solutions until the section is optimally stained - 15 seconds - 2 minutes Note: Staining the sections in eosin alcoholic solutions causes intensive eosinophil color to show much faster (in under 15 seconds' time). Recommended exposure time for eosin aqueous solutions is 90 seconds to 2 minutes - Rinse under tap water - 2 min - Dehydrate using 95% alcohol - 2 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Dehydrate using 100% alcohol (Histanol 100) - 3 exchanges, 10-15 dips - Clear the section in xylene or in a xylene substitute - 2 exchanges, 2 min each Immediately after clearing apply an appropriate mount medium for covering/mounting on the section. If xylene was used, use one of mounting xylenebased media. If xylene substitute was used, use the appropriate covering agent for this case. Cover the section with a cover glass. Result Nuclei - blue Cytoplasm, collagen, muscle fibers, erythrocytes - hues of pink Note Time periods of staining processes are not entirely standardized and they approximately correspond to clinical and laboratory practical experience. Intensity of staining depends on the period of immersion in the dye. Real staining protocol depends on personal requests and priorities. Preparing the sample and diagnostics Use only appropriate instruments for collecting and preparing the samples. Process the samples with modern technology and mark them clearly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for handling. In order to avoid mistakes, the staining procedure and diagnostics should only be conducted by authorized and qualified personnel. Use only microscope according to standards of the medical diagnostic laboratory. Safety at work and environmental protection Handle the product in accordance with safety at work and environmental protection guidelines. Used solutions and out of date solutions should be disposed of as special waste in accordance with national guidelines. Chemicals used in this procedure could pose danger to human health. Tested tissue specimens are potentially infectious. Necessary safety measures for protecting human health should be taken in accordance with good laboratory practice. Act in accordance with signs and warnings notices printed on the product's label, as well as in MenidiMedica Biotech material safety data sheet. Storing, stability and expiry date Keep Hematoxylin Harris in a tightly closed original package at temperature between +15°C and +25°C. Keep in dry places, do not freeze and avoid exposing to Hematoxylin Harris IFU ENG PDFdirect sunlight. Date of manufacture and expiry date are printed on the product's label.

Giemsa Solution

Polychromatic solution of eosin, Methylene Blue and azure dyes - Used for staining in hematology, cytology and staining sections of hematopoietic organs in histopathology Introduction Polychromatic Romanowsky dyes are a standard in hematology of blood smears and bone marrow. Various sorts of Romanowsky dyes (Giemsa, May-Gruenwald, Leishman, Wright, Jenner and others) contain different ratios of methylene bluing reagent used as the cation component (and the reagent-related thiazine dyes, such as azure B) and eosin Y as the anion component. Cation and anion components interaction creates a well known Romanowsky effect that cannot be achieved if each component is being used individually. Purple color indicates the effect's presence. Staining intensity depends on the azure B content, as well as azure B to eosin Y ratio, while a few other factors affect the result of staining: working solution pH value and buffer solution, fixation method and dye exposure time. MenidiMedica Biotech Giemsa solution is used for differentiation of nuclear and/or cytoplasmatic morphology of lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils), thrombocytes and erythrocytes. There are various methods of using the Giemsa solution, and the so-called Pappenheim method is one of the most commonly used ones. The method is esentially the May-Gruenwald Giemsa method combined with the May-Gruenwald solution that stains cytological material (peripheral blood smears, cytodiagnostic puncture aspirates, diarrhea or secretion cells) or hematopoietic organs' sections. Along with the Pappenheim method, the Giemsa solution is commonly used for chromosomatic aberations detection in cytogenetics. Product description Solution of eosin, methylene bluing reagent and azure dyes in methanol and glycerol with added stabilizer. Other sections and reagents that may be used in staining: - Fixatives such as MenidiMedica Biotech neutral buffered formaldehyde solutions: Formaldehyde NB 10% - Dehydrating/rehydrating agent, such as MenidiMedica Biotech alcohol solutions: Histanol 100 - Clearing agents, such as xylene or a substitute, such as agent on the aliphatic hydrocarbons basis - Infiltration and fitting agent, such as granulated paraffin - High-quality glass slides for use in histopathology and cytology - Fixatives - MenidiMedica Biotech Immersion oil - MenidiMedica Biotech Buffer solutions, pH 6.8 or 7.2 Working Giemsa solution for standard staining method Add 10mL of the Giemsa solution to 190 ml of pH 6.8 buffer solution, stir well and let it sit for 10 min. Filtrate if necessary. Working Giemsa solution for rapid method Add 33 mL of the Giemsa solution to 66 ml of pH 6.8 buffer solution, stir well and let it sit for 10 min. Filtrate if necessary. Working Giemsa solution for perioperative staining method Add 10mL of the Giemsa solution to 50 ml of pH 6.8 buffer solution, stir well and let it sit for 10 min. Filtrate if necessary. A1) Blood smear staining procedure using Giemsa solution (standard method) - Let the smear air dry - Fix previously dried blood smears by immersing them in methanol - 5 min - Immerse the fixed section into the working Giemsa solution: 15-20 minutes - Rinse the smear in the pH 6.8 buffer solution - two exchanges - 2 exchanges, 1 minute each - Air dry the slide A2) Blood smear staining procedure using Giemsa solution (rapid method) - Let the smear air dry - Fix previously dried blood smears by immersing them in methanol - 1-3 min - Immerse the fixed section into the working Giemsa solution: 3 minutes - Rinse the smear in the pH 6.8 buffer solution - two exchanges - 2 exchanges, 1 minute each - Air dry the slide A3) Blood smear staining procedure using May-Gruenwald Giemsa (Pappenheim) standard method - Let the smear air dry - Apply May-Grunwald solution to the dried smear - 3-5 minutes - Rinse the smear in pH 6.8 buffer solution. - Apply working Giemsa solution to the smear - 15-20 minutes - Rinse the smear in pH 6.8 buffer solution. Note: If necessary, apply a smaller volume of the buffer solution on the slide in order to thoroughly remove the excessive dye and to make the stained structures clearly visible. Rinse the solution after 10-30 seconds. - Air dry the slide A4) Blood smear staining procedure using May-Gruenwald Giemsa (Pappenheim) perioperative method - Let the smear air dry - Apply May-Grunwald solution to the dried smear - 1-2 minutes - Rinse the smear in pH 6.8 buffer solution. - Apply working Giemsa solution to the smear - 5 min - Rinse the smear in pH 6.8 buffer solution. Note: If necessary, apply a smaller volume of the buffer solution on the slide in order to thoroughly remove the excessive dye and to make the stained structures clearly visible. Rinse the solution after 10-30 seconds - Air dry the preparation Result (pH 6.8) Nuclei - purple to violet Lymphocyte plasma - blue Monocyte plasma - grey-blue Neutrophil granule - light violet Eosinophil granule - red Basophil granule - dark violet to black Thrombocytes - violet Erythrocytes - reddish Preparing the histological slides and solutions for the Giemsa solution staining (bone marrow biopsy, ilium biopsy) - Fixate the sample (Formaldehyde NB 10%), rinse with water and dehydrate through series of ascending alcohol solutions 70, 80, 95, 100 (Histanol 100). - Decalcify the sample by immersing it into a mild decalcifying agent (OsteoCal Mild Blue). Keep it immersed for 6 hours. - Cut the sample carefully into small slices (5-20 µm). If necessary, treat it again with a decalcifying agent (OsteoCal Mild Blue) for 20 min. - Clear the sample with intermedium; in xylene or in a xylene substitute. - Infiltrate and embed the sample in paraffin. - Cut the paraffin block to 4-6 µm slices and place them on a glass slide. B) Histological slides staining procedure using Giemsa solution - Deparaffinize the section using xylene or a xylene substitute, then rehydrate the section through series of descending alcohol solutions (Histanol 100), 95, 80, 70. - Rinse the section with distilled water - 10 seconds - Stain the section using Giemsa solution until it is optimally stained - 10-15 min Note: Use undiluted Giemsa solution instead of the working solution in this step - Differentiate the section using 0.1% acetic acid - 10 seconds - Rinse the section with distilled water - 10 seconds - Dehydrate the section through three exchanges of isopropyl alcohol - 3 exchanges, 10 seconds each - Clear the section through two exchanges of xylene or a xylene substitute - 2 exchanges, 2 minutes each Immediately after clearing apply an appropriate mount medium for covering/mounting on the section. If xylene was used, use one of mounting xylenebased media. If xylene substitute was used, use the appropriate covering agent. Cover the section with a cover glass. Results Nuclei - blue Collagen, osteoid - light blue Eosinophil granules - red Acidophilic mucopolysaccharide, mastocytes, cartilage matrix - red-purple Acidophilic substances - orange-red Note Time periods of staining processes are not entirely standardized and they approximately correspond to clinical and laboratory practical experience. Intensity of staining depends on the period of immersion in the dye. Real staining protocol depends on personal requests and priorities. Preparing the sample and diagnostics Use only appropriate instruments for collecting and preparing the samples. Process the samples with modern technology and mark them clearly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for handling. In order to avoid mistakes, the staining procedure and diagnostics should only be conducted by authorized and qualified personnel. Use only microscope according to standards of the medical diagnostic laboratory. Safety at work and environmental protection Handle the product in accordance with safety at work and environmental protection guidelines. Used solutions and out of date solutions should be disposed of as special waste in accordance with national guidelines. Reagents used in this procedure could pose danger to human health. Tested tissue specimens are potentially infectious. Necessary safety measures for protecting human health should be taken in accordance with good laboratory practice. Act in accordance with signs and warnings notices printed on the product's label, as well as in MenidiMedica Biotech material safety data sheet. Storing, stability and expiry date Keep the Giemsa solution in a tightly closed original package at temperature between +15°C and +25°C. Do not keep in cold places, do not freeze and avoid exposing to direct sunlight. Date of manufacture and expiry date are printed on the product's label. Giemsa Solution IFU ENG PDF

Condylen Forte

Contains TCA, Podophyllum Resin, Preservatives Description Condylen Forte How Supplied 20 gm glass bottles Actions & Uses Condylen Forte is a product employed to remove external warts. The recommended application method involves applying the liquid to the warts at specified intervals, which should be every 15 days, and repeating this process twice. After use, it is important to rinse the treated area with either water or a standard saline solution. 1. The physician identifies the warts in the affected area. 2. Using a pointed applicator tip, apply a sufficient amount of the solution directly to the top of each wart. Be careful not to apply it to the surrounding healthy tissues because the solution has a cauterizing effect on warts. 3. Following the initial application, the patient should use protection during sexual intercourse only on the first day of application. 4. Reapply the solution on the 16th day. 5. On the 31st day, the patient should undergo a Pap Test and an HPV test. Warnings For External Use Only. Should inadvertent ocular administration occur, the eye(s) should be washed immediately with large amounts of water or normal saline, occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids until no evidence of solution remains (approximately 15-20 minutes). Storage Keep tightly closed and protect from light. DO NOT use if seal is broken. Store at room temperature. Disposal Opened containers with unused portions of product containing residual product should be placed in a suitable, dry container for later disposal according to local hazardous waste practices. Condylen Forte IFU ENG PDF

Acid Alcohol 0.5%/1%/3%

Introduction Acid alcohol is a differentiation reagent. It is used in various staining methods, most frequently in regressive hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining and provides excellent differentiation between nuclear and non-nuclear structures. Differentiation rinses dyes from cytoplasm while the nucleus remains stained. That occurs because the nuclear dye bonds stronger to the nucleus than to the cytoplasm. Regardless of the medium the sample is fixated in, Acid alcohol provides satisfying results. Amount of time spent for differentiation using Acid alcohol is always the same regardless of the fixative used for fixating the tested sample. Product description Acid alcohol solution used for differentiation during regressive staining consisting of optimal ratio of hydrochloric acid, ethanol and water. Product use - Acid alcohol is used for section differentiation as a part of regressive staining methods. - Acid alcohol is used for monochromatic and polychromatic staining methods. - One of commonly used staining methods with Acid alcohol is the hematoxylin and eosin method. - Detailed procedure for hematoxylin-eosin staining is described in MenidiMedica Biotech Instructions for use for Hematoxylins used in progressive staining method. Result Acid alcohol is an acidic solution that can be used to differentiate between basic or cationic dyes. Because of higher dye affinity (aluminum-hematein complex) toward nucleus, Acid alcohol will destain cytoplasm. Note Time periods of staining procedures are not standardized. Intensity of staining depends on the period of immersion in the dye. Real staining protocol depends on personal requests and standard laboratory operating procedures. Preparing the sample and diagnostics Use only appropriate instruments for collecting and preparing the samples. Process the samples with modern technology and mark them clearly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for handling. In order to avoid mistakes, the staining procedure and diagnostics should only be conducted by authorized and qualified personnel. Use only microscope according to standards of the medical diagnostic laboratory. In order to avoid an erroneous result, a positive and negative check is advised before application. Safety at work and environmental protection Handle the product in accordance with safety at work and environmental protection guidelines. Used solutions and out of date solutions should be disposed of as special waste in accordance with national guidelines. Chemicals used in this procedure could pose danger to human health. Tested tissue specimens are potentially infectious. Necessary safety measures for protecting human health should be taken in accordance with good laboratory practice. Act in accordance with signs and warnings notices printed on the product's label, as well as in MenidiMedica Biotech material safety data sheet. Storing, stability and expiry date Keep Acid alcohol in a tightly sealed original packaging at temperature of +15 to +25 °C. Do not keep in cold places, do not freeze and avoid exposing to direct sunlight. Date of manufacture and expiry date are printed on the product's label. Acid Alcohol 0.5%1%3% IFU ENG PDF

Acetic Acid 5% & 8%

Content Acetic Acid, Preservative Description Acetic Acid How Supplied Glass bottles of 100, 200, 500, 1000 mL. Action & Uses Acetic acid is an agent used for differentiating normal from suspicious tissues. Normal tissue remain as they are, while tissue suspicious for mmalformations develops areas of white. Wash after use with water or normal saline. Warnings For External Use Only. Should inadvertent ocular administration occur, the eye(s) should be washed immediately with large amounts of water or normal saline, occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids until no evidence of solution remains (approximately 15-20 minutes). Storage Keep tightly closed and protect from light. DO NOT use if seal is broken. Store at room temperature 15°- 30°C. Disposal Opened containers with unused portions of product should be placed in a suitable, dry container for later disposal according to local hazardous waste practices Acetic Acid 5% & 8% IFU ENG PDF

Sperm Vitality Kit

Quantitative eosin staining kit for the percentage measurement of live spermatozoa in semen samples GENERAL INFORMATION Sperm vitality is reflected in the proportion of spermatozoa that are “alive”. Sperm vitality should be determined in semen samples with less than about 40% progressive motile spermatozoa. Sperm Vitality Test uses the eosin staining technique to establishes the percentage of live spermatozoa. The technique is based on the principle that dead cells will take up the eosin, and as a result stain red. Sperm Vitality Test provides an accuracy check of the motility evaluation since the percentage dead spermatozoa should not exceed the percentage immotile spermatozoa. Sperm Vitality Test may help in assessing the diagnosis and the management of male infertility. MATERIAL INCLUDED IN THE KIT Reagent A - 1 ml of red stain MATERIAL NOT INCLUDED IN THE KIT Light microscope (400 - 600x magnification) Microscope glasses Cover glasses Pipettes Test tubes (sterile) Microscope slides Laboratory counter METHOD 1. Mix the semen sample well 2. Remove an aliquot of 5 µL of semen and combine with 5 µL of reagent A on a microscope slide. Mix with a pipette tip, swirling the sample on the slide. 3. Cover with a 22 mm x 22 mm coverslip and leave for 30 seconds. 4. Remix the semen sample, remove a replicate aliquot, mix with reagent A and treat as in steps 2 and 3 above. 5. Examine each slide, preferably with negative-phase-contrast optics at x200 or x400 magnification. 6. Tally the number of stained (dead) and unstained (vital) cells with the aid of a laboratory counter. 7. Evaluate 200 spermatozoa in each replicate, in order to achieve an acceptably low sampling error. 8. Calculate the average and difference of the two percentages of vital cells from the replicate preparations. 9. Determine the acceptability of the difference. 10. If the difference between the percentages is acceptable, report the average percentage vitality. If the difference is too high, make 2 new preparations from 2 new aliquots of semen and repeat the assessment. 11. Report the average percentage of vital spermatozoa to the nearest whole number. INTERPRETATION - Colourless spermatozoa: live spermatozoa - Red stained spermatozoa: dead spermatozoa Count between 100 and 200 cells and differentiate the living from the dead spermatozoa. Read results immediately, waiting too long will yield lower vitality percentages. It is clinically important to know whether immotile spermatozoa are alive or dead. Vitality results should be assessed in conjunction with motility results from the same semen sample. The presence of a large proportion of vital but immotile cells may be indicative of structural defects in the flagellum; a high percentage of immotile and non-viable cells (necrozoospermia) may indicate epididymal pathology. A semen sample is considered normal if 58% or more of the sperm cells are alive. LIMITATIONS OF THE METHOD Spermatozoa stained with Renata Sperm Vitality Test cannot be used for any further procedures. STORAGE Suitable for transport or short term storage at elevated temperatures (up to 5 days at 37°C). Store reagent between 2°C and 25°C. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS All human, organic material should be considered potentially infectious. Handle all specimens as if capable of transmitting HIV or hepatitis. Always wear protective clothing when handling specimens. Sperm Vitality IFU ENG PDF


THE ART OF MALE FERTILITY Self Test for Male Fertility Potential General information Around 10-15% of reproductive-age couples experience infertility, and 40-50% of these cases are linked to sperm-related issues. The Sperm Fertility Check is a tool designed to assess whether a sperm sample exhibits normal or subnormal activity. Sperm with normalactivity levels are more likely to improve the likelihood of achieving pregnancy. Warnings and precautions Keep the kit out of reach of children. The blue dye included is toxic and should not be ingested as it poses a risk if swallowed. It can also irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Ensure you thoroughly read all the information provided in this pamphlet before conducting the test. Familiarize yourself with the procedure first. To reduce the risk of contaminating the dye, avoid any contact with the tip of the dye bottle. Storage and use The Sperm Fertility Check kit is effective for up to 24 months from the manufacturing date and should be kept within a temperature range of 2-30°C in its original, sealed packaging. Opening the color dye bottle does not affect its shelf life, provided there is no contact with the bottle's tip or the dye itself. Conduct the test at a room temperature between 20-30°C. Performing the test in an environment that is too cold may cause the water's temperature in the cup to drop rapidly, potentially leading to inaccurate, false negative results. The test tubes and funnels are designed for single use only; dispose of them after one use and use a new set for any subsequent tests. Material included with the kit - color chart - funnel x 2 - test tube x 2 - water cup with snap cap - thermometer x 2 - squeeze bottle with dye - Sterile urobox x 2 Material not included with the kit - Hot water (48°C to 50°C), a drinking glass and incandescent light. Instructions for use 1. The reagent bottle's dye should be a dark blue color, matching the "Control" hue on the color chart. If the dye appears clear or pink, it indicates a defect, and you should return the kit. If the dye's color is as expected, proceed to step 2. 2. Open an urobox by removing its packaging. Take off the cap and collect the sample by masturbating directly into the urobox. 3. Allow 30 minutes for the sperm sample to liquefy and filter through the funnel into the test tube. After this period, remove the funnel and dispose of it in the trash together with the urobox. 4. Observe which number on the test tube aligns closest to the top of the sperm sample. If the top of the sample falls midway or more between two numbers, record the higher number. This will determine the number of dye drops you need to add to the sperm sample. If the sperm sample's top is below the number 1, which is etched on the conical part of the test tube, the sample is too small for an accurate test result. Turn the reagent bottle upside down over the test tube and carefully squeeze out the specified number of dye drops onto the sperm sample. Reattach the cap to the test tube and shake it well to mix the dye with the sperm sample. The mixture should now turn blue or purple. 5. Turn on the hot water until it becomes just too hot to comfortably touch. Fill a drinking glass to approximately 3/4 of its capacity with hot water (ensure it's not boiling) and attach the thermometer in the drinking glass. Once the correct temperature 48°C to 50°C is achieved, insert the test tube into the water. Record the time. Avoid placing the drinking glass near open windows or air conditioners to maintain temperature stability. Practicing this step prior to sample collection can be beneficial. 6. Sixty minutes after placing the test tube in the drinking glass, carefully remove it, dry the exterior with a towel or tissue, and then shake the test tube vigorously 4 or 5 times. This action is intended to ensure the dye is thoroughly mixed throughout the sperm sample, achieving even color distribution. 7. Place the white section of the color chart behind the sperm sample to compare its color. Hold both the test tube and the color chart approximately 7 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) away from an incandescent light source (avoid using fluorescent lighting). Slide the test tube across the row of colors on the chart to find the closest match, understanding that it might not be an exact match. Observe whether the closest color match falls within the Positive (+) group, indicating normal fertility potential, or the Negative (–) group, suggesting less than normal fertility potential. It's crucial to ensure that no fluorescent lights are on while assessing the test results to avoid any discrepancies in color perception. Interpretation Due to the test's expected color transition from dark blue to red and pink, individuals with red color blindness are advised against interpreting the results. If the color aligns with the Positive group, there is an 86% likelihood of normal sperm activity (20 million or more active sperm per milliliter of fluid), indicating favorable fertility potential. However, this does not assure pregnancy, as various factors influence fertility in both partners. Should pregnancy not be achieved within four months, it's recommended to seek medical advice. Conversely, if the color matches the Negative group, there's an 86% chance that sperm activity is below normal (fewer than 20 million active sperm per milliliter of fluid), making pregnancy less probable, though not impossible. In such cases, consulting a physician is advisable. A Negative result should not be interpreted as an impossibility of pregnancy nor should it be considered a justification for forgoing contraception. Questions and answers - Why does the kit contain material for two tests? The kit includes materials for two tests because sperm quality can fluctuate between samples from the same individual due to various factors such as activity levels, diet, environmental conditions, and other unknown elements. Therefore, the outcome of the first test is best validated by comparing it with a second test conducted after a minimum oneweek interval. Typically, the results of both tests will align. However, if there is a discrepancy between the two, it's advisable to seek a more detailed semen analysis in a medical laboratory to obtain an accurate evaluation. - How long should I abstain prior to the test? Refrain from ejaculating for a minimum of three days and a maximum of ten days prior to conducting the test. - Thirty minutes after ejaculation the majority of the specimen is still not liquefied. Should I wait longer? Yes, wait an additional 10 minutes. If, after this period, the sperm sample has not liquefied the test should be considered invalid and cancelled. It is advisable to consult with a physician in such cases. It is normal for a small amount of the specimen to remain on the urobox, and this should not affect the test's outcome. - The top of my specimen was closest to the number 2. By mistake I added 4 drops of test liquid instead of 2 drops. Should I continue the test? No, the result might not be reliable. Please discard this test and, after waiting three days, conduct another one with the second set of test materials provided. - What can cause a low sperm count or poor sperm movement? Exposure to excessive heat, such as through hot tub use or experiencing fevers, can negatively impact sperm quantity and quality. High fevers can influence test results adversely for up to three months following the illness. The consumption of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol, and smoking cigarettes can all lower sperm counts or impair sperm motility. Furthermore, certain medications can detrimentally affect sperm. Various conditions may lead to reduced sperm quality, but many of these can be treated successfully. If the condition is incurable, artificial reproduction techniques can often still be employed with success in most cases. - Can I collect the sperm sample in a condom? No, typical condoms are treated with a chemical that destroys sperm, making them unsuitable for collecting a sperm sample. However, non-medicated sheaths are availablefor this purpose. Consult your physician regarding where to obtain them. Additionally, it's important not to collect the sperm sample through withdrawal during intercourse, as the initial portion of the ejaculate, which contains the highest quality sperm, may be lost. - My sperm sample did not reach the 1 mark on the test tube. What can I do? Attempt the test again, this time with a longer abstinence period of 10 days. This extended duration may help increase the sperm sample's volume. If, after this second attempt, the sperm sample still does not reach the 1 mark on the test tube, it's advisable to seek further evaluation from a physician. SPERM FERTILITY CHECK ENG PDF